Local Emergency Management Committee

The Walgett Shire Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) is convened, and exercises its legislative functions under the provisions of the State Emergency and Rescue Management Act 1989 (SERM Act). The LEMC is responsible for preparing plans in relation to the prevention of, preparation for, response to and recovery from emergencies within the LGA.

Responsibilities of the LEMC

Prepare and review plans for preventing, preparing, responding, and recovering from emergencies.

- Review and monitor emergency management policies and practices in the region.
- Recommend and help organise emergency management training
- Facilitate coordination, cooperation, and information sharing between agencies.
- Assist the Regional Emergency Operations Controller as needed.

Local Emergency Management Plan (EMPLAN)

The Local EMPLAN is developed by the LEMC and is designed to produce arrangements that provide the basis for managing emergency impacts in the Walgett Shire Local Government Area. 

Local Sub Plans, Supporting Plans and Policies

SES-Walgett-Local-Flood-Plan-August-2024.pdf(PDF, 3MB)

NSW_State_Storm_Sub_Plan_2023.pdf(PDF, 795KB)

Heatwave Sub Plan June 2023.pdf(PDF, 641KB)

Walgett-Shire-Evacuation-Sub-Plan-2012.pdf(PDF, 154KB)

UGL-Regional-LINX-Emergency-Management-Plan 2024.pdf(PDF, 1MB)  CRN-Control-Areas.pdf(PDF, 75KB)