Walgett Memorial Swimming Pool Update

Published on 23 August 2023


Walgett Shire Council wishes to advise residents at its meeting held on 22nd August 2023 that the motion to decommission the Walgett Memorial Swimming Pool on the 5th of July 2023 meeting has been rescinded.

The Council has committed to collaborating closely with the New South Wales Government with the overarching goal of reopening the pool for the anticipated 2023/24 swimming season. To support this process, Council is actively working with the NSW Government to secure funding to facilitate repairs.

Furthermore, the Council will initiate a tender process for the selection of a contract operator to oversee the management and operation of the pool throughout the upcoming season.

Recognising the long-term needs of the community, the Walgett Shire Council is taking comprehensive action by initiating the development of a masterplan for the swimming facilities within the Walgett Shire.

To ensure this endeavour aligns with the aspirations of the local community, the Council will be establishing a Community Reference Group, comprising of key stakeholders. This collaborative panel will guide the formulation of the masterplan, bringing together the insights and perspectives of individuals who have a vested interest in the success of this initiative.

The newly formed reference group is recommended to consist of the following members:

  • Two Councillors
  • The General Manager
  • A representative from the Walgett Aboriginal Working Party
  • A representative from the Walgett Swimming Club
  • A representative from the local school
  • Three representatives from the school’s Student Council
  • One regular user of the swimming facilities

While the community reference group will play a crucial role in assisting in the development process, it is essential to emphasise that their role supplements, rather than replaces, broader community consultations. This group of dedicated individuals will act as enthusiastic "champions" during these consultations, ensuring that the community's voice is heard and integrated into the master plan.

Please be advised the Community Reference Group is in preliminary stages and further information is not currently available. This will be released in the near future as criteria and objectives are established.

Please direct all enquiries in writing where possible to admin@walgett.nsw.gov.au.  

Megan Dixion

General Manager 

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