Overgrown Land

Published on 29 September 2023


As the summer and warm weather approaches, we urge you to take immediate action to ensure the safety and cleanliness of your property. In accordance with Order 21, Section 124 of the Local Government Act 1993, it is the responsibility of all property owners and occupants to maintain their properties.

Property Maintenance Requirements:

Grass Height: The grass on your property should be maintained at a height below 15 centimeters. Tall grass not only poses a fire hazard but also provides a conducive environment for snakes and vermin to thrive.

Rubbish Removal: It is essential to remove all rubbish and debris from your property promptly. Accumulated rubbish can attract pests and compromise the overall cleanliness of our community.

Weed Control: Regularly address weed growth on your property to prevent its spread to neighboring areas. Uncontrolled weed growth can be detrimental to the local environment.

The Walgett Shire Ranger Services will be conducting patrols to ensure compliance with these maintenance requirements. Properties found to be non-compliant may receive official notices, fines, and may face legal action.

Let us work together to ensure a safe and pleasant summer season for everyone in the Walgett Shire.

For any questions or concerns, please contact the Walgett Shire Ranger Services at 02 6828 6100

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