Planning and Development involves the various aspects of land use planning, building construction and land subdivision which are administered by Council. The aim is to achieve high quality and sustainable development outcomes in our urban and rural areas, taking into account the social and economic welfare of our communities and the preservation of the physical environment. Whether you are interested in major development projects, housing construction or buying or selling property, this information is designed to guide you through the sometimes complex Planning and Development process.
Exempt Development
Exempt development is very low impact development that can be done for certain residential, commercial and industrial properties. Providing your building project meets specific development standards, approval from your Council is not needed.
For More Information
New South Wales Outdoor Dining Exempt Factsheet:
NSW-outdoor-dining-exempt-factsheet.pdf(PDF, 759KB)
Complying Development
Complying development is a fast track approval process for straightforward residential, commercial and industrial development. Providing the application meets specific criteria then it can be determined by a Council or accredited certifier without the need for a full development application.
For More Information
Community Based Heritage Study
Walgett Shire Council’s Heritage Advisor prepared the Walgett Shire Community Based Heritage Study in 2008.
The study was publicly exhibited from 27 February until 27 March 2008.
Both the study and the Thematic History of Walgett Shire are available via the links below.
All owners of heritage items have been notified that their properties are being considered for heritage listing under a Local Environmental Plan. A draft Walgett Shire Local Environmental Plan is currently being prepared and will be exhibited in coming months. The public exhibition of the draft will provide owners of heritage items another opportunity to comment or object to the proposed listing of items on their property.
Contact Details
Walgett Shire Council
Phone: 02 68286100
Thematic History Walgett Shire(PDF, 9MB)
Community Based Heritage Study of Walgett Shire(PDF, 6MB)
Pre-Development Application (DA) Submission Meetings
As a new service to residents Council wishes to invite all those planning to submit a development application, whether in the early or late stages of preparation, to contact Council for a confidential pre-lodgement meeting with Council Planning & Building staff.
The Pre-DA is a service for potential applicants to seek feedback on specific concept plans for specific sites. At the pre-DA advice meeting we will discuss the relevant planning policies against which your proposal will be assessed as well as comment on those aspects of a proposal which are non-compliant with Council’s controls.
A pre-lodgement meeting provides the prospective applicant with the opportunity to discuss and receive feedback from Council on the technical and merit aspects of a development proposal. This occurs following a preliminary assessment by staff of submitted plans and documents detailing the proposal. Although pre-lodgement meetings are not mandatory, this service is encouraged by Council because:
- It’s the most appropriate and transparent means of dealing with enquires of a complex or site-specific nature, or where formal feedback is being sought on a specific development concept or proposed plan;
- The pre-DA advice meeting will be attended by Council staff who will be assessing the application;
- It’s an opportunity for Council to advise the applicant of strategic objectives for the development of the area;
- It allows for any potential issues to be dealt with prior to the formal lodgement of a DA; and
- It enables Council to provide relevant information to the applicant to assist in resolving any issues prior to lodging an application.
Applicants may also chose to attend additional Pre-DA meetings as required. Conducting a pre-lodgement meeting may assist in reducing the assessment times of DAs. Where possible, during the pre-lodgement meeting, Council officers will suggest alternative and acceptable solutions for the applicant to consider, which could reduce project costs.
A pre-lodgement meeting is for discussion and clarification purposes only and may not identify all possible issues. It is not, in any way, intended to pre-empt a final decision in relation to a development application. Where possible, we will endeavour to provide you with a level of certainty about your proposal, but we cannot give absolute commitment. Views of the community, Councillors and other government authorities are not able to be taken into account in the pre-DA consultation process.
Please contact Council’s Administration Services Officer Lyn Douglas on 0268 286 144 to arrange an appointment with Council’s Planning & Building staff.
BASIX Everything you need to know
BASIX assessment
BASIX is assessed online using the BASIX assessment tool. The tool checks elements of a proposed design against sustainability targets.
BASIX reduces water and energy consumption in homes across NSW. These environmental outcomes also provide a long term financial saving for the homeowner – and a valuable contribution to the sustainable future of our communities.
Sample BASIX Certificate
BASIX requirements for Single dwellings
BASIX applies to the development of all new homes in NSW
The BASIX assessment tool assesses a single-home project by looking at the three components of sustainable building design:
- Water use
- Greenhouse gas emissions due to energy consumption
- Thermal comfort
Before using the BASIX assessment tool please consult the Single homes checklist to ensure that you have everything that you need to complete the assessment:
Single homes checklist
BASIX requirements for Multi-dwelling
BASIX applies to all new multiple home developments in NSW. This includes units, townhouse rows and subdivisions.
The BASIX assessment tool assesses the sustainability of building designs for multiple home developments by examining the Water, Energy and Thermal Comfort. The BASIX assessment tool multi-dwelling section is specifically designed to suit larger residential developments, especially for unit blocks with common areas such as car parks, lifts and shared gardens which can require significant amounts of water and energy.
Before using the BASIX assessment tool please consult the Multi-dwelling checklist to ensure that you have everything that you need to complete the assessment:
Multi-dwelling Checklist
BASIX requirements for Alterations and additions
BASIX applies to all Alterations and additions in NSW that are valued at $50 000 and over and/or involve the installation of a pool and/or spa with a total volume greater than 40,000 litres.
The BASIX assessment tool has a section specifically designed for alterations and additions to existing homes. This section differs slightly from the single dwelling and multi-dwelling sections of the tool in that there are no set reductions for energy or water.
Instead the tool aims to reduce potential water consumption and emissions by encouraging efficiency improvements. The alterations and additions section of the BASIX assessment tool:
- Reduces the energy required to heat and cool homes through improved glazing, insulation, building design and construction materials
- Requires at least 40% of new or altered light fixtures to be fitted with high efficiency globes
- Promotes the installation of solar, gas, heat pump or wood systems instead of high emission electric hot water systems
- Requires all new taps, toilets and showerheads have a minimum efficiency rating of 3 WELS stars
- Reduces pool and spa emissions by phasing out high emission electric heating systems
- Reduces water consumption in pools and spas by encouraging rainwater tanks and covers to reduce evaporation
Basix requirements for swimming pools