Walgett Bore Bath

Walgett Artesian Bath has now closed for 2024.
**While Council take steps to ensure the bath is open daily to the public, there may be times its operating hours are impacted. We apologies for the inconvenience and will make every effort to inform the public via our Facebook page when these changes occur.**
The water found in bore baths such as Lightning Ridge, Burren Junction and Walgett comes from the Great Artesian Basin and is approximately two million years old! Natural pressure sends the water to the surface through an artesian bore and it maintains a constant temperature of 41.5 degrees celsius. The bores supplying these baths are only a few of hundreds being rehabilitated throughout the Great Artesian Basin conserving this precious natural resources for future generations.
The Great Artesian Basin is one of the largest freshwater basins in the world, it contains approximately 8,700 million megalitres of water and underlies 22% of Australia and 26% of New South Wales, the Basin supports 200,000 people and underpins $3.5 billion of production annually. Unfortunately flows from bores and artesian pressure have declined drastically, nearly half of NSW’s 1,400 artesian bores no longer flow. There are 7,000km of open bore drains in NSW and up to 95% of water from these open drains is wasted through evaporation, seepage and breakouts, 15,000 tonnes of salt enters the landscape annually.
Today artesian bores are being capped to control water flow, bore drains have been replaced with 170km of underground pipes. The NSW and Commonwealth Governments Cape and Pipe Bores program provides technical and financial assistance for landholders to install piping systems. This program will save water (the equivalent of 450 Olympic sized pools is saved annually), reverse artesian pressure decline and reduce soli salinity. It intends to conserve biodiversity and to help control feral animals, this project will great improve the Great Artesian Basin’s overall sustainability.
For the health and comfort of patrons, the following rules apply to the use of the Bore Baths:
- All persons must shower before entering the pool (showers are provided on site)
- No diving
- No immersion in the pool above neck level
- People with heart conditions are not permitted to use the pool due to the risk of overheating
- Small children are not permitted to use the pool due to the risk of overheating
- People with open wounds and/or sores are not permitted to use the pool
- The pool is not a toilet. Public toilets are provided on site.
- Soaps and/or detergents are not permitted in the pool
- Pets are not allowed in the baths. Pets are not allowed on the reserve unless restrained or in a vehicle.
- The Bore Bath reserve is an alcohol free zone. Patrons are not permitted to consume alcohol or carry any type of glass in the pool or around the pool area.
- The Bore Baths are not a camp site – no camping, caravaning or fire lighting on the reserve.
Under Section 632 of the Local Government Act Council is entitled to impose fines for transgressions of published rules relating to alcohol and animals.
Contact Details
Walgett Shire Council
Phone: 02 68286100
Fax: 02 68281608