Artesian Bore Baths
Walgett Bore baths
The Walgett Bore Baths are currently closed for 2024.
The Original Bore baths, located in Dewhurst Street, were opened 8th December 1933.
They were built of wood and were considered a modern structure for their time. The building was beautiful and ornate. The bore baths proved extremely popular from the start, particularly in the evening. Between the 8th and 17th December, for example, 1047 people passed through the turnstile.
Unfortunately the baths were constructed above ground and proved structurally unsound over time and they were closed.
The current Bore Baths, located corner of Montkeila & Fox streets, were opened in 1988 and had separate change rooms and a sheltered area for people to sit. They were built as part of the Bi Centenary celebrations. Due to the corrosion of the shed from the minerals in the water the shed has had to be removed and now Walgett has a small bore bath area that is used by many people.
Burren Junction Bore Baths
Are currently closed. Camping is still available at the Bore Baths Site.
Lightning Ridge Bore Bath
Remain open all year round
Collarenebri Bore Bath
Is current closed for the Summer